Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Pros and the Cons

There are many arguments for and against the restoration of wolves to their former, natural ranges throughout the American midwest. Those on either side of the debate, the pro-reintroduction environmentalists and the anti-reintroduction ranchers, are passionate about their beliefs, and this fact has made the plans to return wolves to Yellowstone and other Midwestern areas incredibly controversial.

I, persoanlly, have chosen the pro side of the argument; that is, wolves should be reintroduced throughout their former ranges. Wolves are one of my favorite animals, and man and wolf have much more in common than one might think. Also, evidence proving that wolves are essential to the health of the envrionment is abundant, and I believe that humans should do as much as possible to preserve that natural world; if the envrionment is healthy, then so are people, in the long run.

Some pros:
~Wolves do not kill enough livestock to cause hardships
~Ranchers are compensated for their losses
~Healthy wolves do not kill humans
~Wolves are beneficial to the environment in which they live and are essential to its health (they are keystone organisms)
~Wolves boost tourism
~The program does not distrupt human activies such as hunting or grazing
~Conflicts with domestic animals are uncommon; predation by wolves is less than had been first estimated
~Wolves and humans are capable of coexisting

Some cons:
~Wolves kill livestock (which takes a toll on the finances of ranchers) and pets
~Only a fraction of those animals killed are actually compensated
~Wolf reintroduction is actually a way for the government to control the West and to run ranchers out of their homes
~Wolves are not actually in danger of extinction
~The program restricts the use of land by ranchers
~Wolves are compete with hunters for big game
~Most people do not want wolves returned to the Midwest
~Wolves will try and move onto private land


Claire said...

I have to admit I know very little- okay nothing, about wolf reintroduction. This is a very interesting topic though and I'm excited to be exposed to your research. You seem to present both sides very ewll and have a good knowledge of what you are talking about. I also really liked how you presented the information in your pro/con post.

I'm curious as to which side you are going to argue. I am going to guess pro-reintroduction ? Because I do not know a lot about this topic, as I said above, I have a question.. what does the reintroduction actually entail? And is there a nationwide impact (either positive or negative) that people, maybe in the cities could relate to? Overall you seem to be doing a good job so far!

Ms. C said...

Hi-- I am at a workshop right now and the presenter is talking about a simulation game called Wolf Quest. While it does relate to your research, it may be of interest to you. Thought I would let you know.

Stef said...

This is a very interesting topic since our earth is in need of some major changes back to what use to be. I am interested to see how this turns out. It seems just like me that you enjoy your topic a lot. Claire's questions are good ones. You might want to answer them in your paper since not everyone is current on these issues. I like it though and it is very unique andd therefore more interesting to read about.

Anonymous said...

This is a great way to search up pros and cons about wolves